Cognitive Collisions 2024

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Cognitive Collisions conference organized by students of cognitive science at the University of Warsaw. Over the course of two days, participants will present the results of their research projects. The conference will cover various topics within the broad field of cognitive science, including linguistics, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, philosophy, neurobiology, and computer science. Additionally, as every year, there will be an opportunity to listen to presentations by our Special Guests.

Cognitive Collisions is an open conference! Therefore, we warmly invite undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students, as well as researchers from other academic units whose work aligns with the interdisciplinary nature of the conference. We also encourage passive participation! Participation in the conference is free of charge.

Book of abstracts


Piotr Durka

Title of the speech: Interfejsy mózg-komputer i zaburzenia świadomości

Prof. Piotr Durka studied and works at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, which resulted in, among other things: the first brain-computer interface in Poland (demonstrated in 2008), research on consciousness in collaboration with Budzik Clinic, and the PISAK alternative communication system. More than in artificial intelligence, he believes in natural intelligence, following the warnings of Richard Feynman from his lecture on Cargo Cult Science. More details at durka.info.

Maja Makagon

Title of the speech: Visual perception in poultry

Dr. Makagon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. She directs a poultry behavior and welfare research group, which studies the ways in which poultry perceive and interact with their environments, and the implications these interactions have on poultry management, well-being and productivity. Her research spans poultry production systems with the overall goal of finding solutions to management based issues in modern poultry production. She is the lead instructor for Animal Welfare Science, and Ethics of Animal Use, and contributes to several other courses at the University of California, Davis. Her previous employment includes a faculty position in the Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, and post-doctoral appointments in the Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University. She holds a B.A. in biology from the University of Virginia, M.A. Psychology from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Animal Behavior from the University of California, Davis. She is spending the 2023-2024 academic year on sabbatical in Warsaw.