Dni wolne od zajęć dydaktycznych na Wydziale Filozofii – 29 i 30 kwietnia 2024

Zgodnie z zarządzeniem Prodziekana ds. studenckich prof. Bogdana Dziobkowskiego dni 29 i 30 kwietnia 2024 r. (poniedziałek i wtorek) są na kierunkach studiów organizowanych przez Wydział Filozofii (kognitywistyka, filozofia, International Studies in Philosophy, bioetyka) dniami wolnymi od zajęć dydaktycznych. Link do zarządzenia w tej sprawie: https://dokumenty.uw.edu.pl/dziennik/DWF/Lists/Dziennik/Attachments/205/DWFZ.2024.5.ZKJD.1.pdf

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Human Interactivity and Language Lab zaprasza na seminarium online 13.03.2024

Human Interactivity and Language Lab zaprasza na seminarium online 13.03.2024. Gościem będzie prof. Luis Favela z University of Central Florida – szczegóły poniżej:

Dear HILL & Traincrease Friends and Collaborators,
We’re happy to announce that on the 13st of March, Wednesday, we’re hosting the next joint HILL & Traincrease seminar to which you are all cordially invited! The seminar will take place online, on the Zoom platform. Our guest this time will be Prof. Luis Favela from the University of Central Florida.  

Guest: Prof. Luis Favela

Date: Wednesday, 13.03.2024, 3:30PM (Warsaw time)
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/my/hill.meetings
Info on our website: https://hill.psych.uw.edu.pl/events/luis-favela/
Title: What is NExT for affordances? Taking brains seriously in organism-environment system

Gibsonian ecological psychology can be viewed as an alternative to behaviorism’s fixation on the individual’s overt actions and cognitivism’s solipsistic flavor. Instead, the target of inquiry is the organism-environment system and affordances. A long-standing criticism of this approach is the apparent absence of even a sketch of the contributions made by the brain, which has led to the caricatured Gibsonian creature as being filled with “foam rubber” and “wonder tissue.” Here, I provide a path forward to understanding the brain’s contribution to affordances: the NeuroEcological Nexus Theory (NExT). NExT hypothesizes that affordances emerge via systematic relationships between environmental (ecological) information and low-dimensional neural manifolds. This approach is motivated by recent neuroscience research demonstrating that neural population dynamics are preserved in low-dimensional manifolds within and across animals performing similar actions. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that neural population dynamics map to particular affordance events with regularity. Taken together, the theory of affordances successfully appealed to for decades by Gibsonians is complemented by methods from manifold theory. In this way, ecological psychologists will no longer be accused of believing in creatures filled with foam rubber and wonder tissue.

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